Ready to Experience More Passion

and Feel More Pleasure?

Are you....

💔 Feeling frustrated with your body, unable to experience pleasure as you once did.

💔 Spending days and nights together in the same room, yet feeling alone and misunderstood

💔 Feeling overwhelmed by the lack of intimacy, unable to truly relax or experience pleasure

As a busy mom of 3 boys, who has been married for two decades

I understand because I’ve experienced the challenges too

…..that’s exactly why I can offer hope.

☀️ Envision waking up each day feeling connected and desired…

Eager to embrace intimacy without fear ☀️

Feeling alive, cherished, and satisfied with

your sex life and in your relationship....

..having overcome the barriers and beliefs that have held you back.

This transformation isn’t just a dream…

It’s a reality that’s waiting for you.

You are in the right place.

You have found the solution to experiencing satisfying and

fulfilling sexual experiences and connection.

Yes, even when you are BUSY, TIRED and STRESSED

Hi! I'm Amy Rowan, the Suburban Sexologist.

I’m a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist and Certified Sexual Health Educator who is accredited by the American Board of Sexology.


Sex hasn’t always been easy for me either, life threw its curveballs, including a double mastectomy at 38, leaving me grappling with uncertainty about my body and intimacy. 

With conscious effort, vulnerability and a lot of work, I can happily say that our relationship, sexual connection and erotic experiences are...

LIGHT YEARS better than before.

After 24 years together, that's saying something!

We've been in the trenches and come out stronger, happier, with a rock solid relationship to prove it.


That's why I do what I do.

Let me show you....

Hear from some of my satisfied clients....

introducing the...

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE Program❤️‍🔥


The ❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program is a monthly subscription that includes...

  • Intimacy building activities and challenges

  • Videos, articles and other resources to help you learn the Sex Ed you never got

  • LIVE monthly coaching support from me

  • Gifts and rewards (the more you learn, the more you earn!)

Here’s just a taste of what you can expect inside of

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥


Grow with short, straightforward activities designed to foster growth in your relationship.

After all, how do you get better at something?

You practice.

Education & Videos

I’ve taken over 14 years of education and experience and condensed it into easy to watch videos and articles.

Snuggle up with your honey, learn together and explore intimacy in a brand new way

Live Coaching Calls

You won't find this in other programs.

The core of this experience is LIVE coaching calls with me, each month.

PLUS…the more activities you do together, the more 1:1 time you earn with Amy!

Gifts & Rewards

As an Intimacy Ignite member you will receive freebies, access to other courses and exclusive discounts.

PLUS: Just by completing lessons and activities you earn free coaching calls with Amy.

New Content Added Monthly

Are you ready to rediscover your love connection?

Do you want to reignite passion between you and your partner?

Is it time to break free from the mental barriers that have kept you from true pleasure?

If you’re still reading this…

If you’ve felt yourself nodding along and wanting to feel like this…

Then it means the answer is....

yes, Yes, YES!!

Imagine waking each day with a sense of renewed connection…

Gazing at your partner with deep affection and desire

Other intimacy courses offering similar content

cost $297/month or more

which truly isn't too much of an investment to experience the revival of the

passion and intimacy you’ve been missing…

Imagine feeling desired... experiencing

pleasure... Breaking free from the mental

barriers that have held you back.

This investment could transform your intimate

life and bring joy for years to come.

Well, when you look at it that way, $297 sounds like pennies, doesn’t it?

But you know what, I get it…

As someone who has devoted so much of your life to nurturing and supporting others,

it's time for someone to nurture and support you in the same way...

That's what I'm here for!

I want to help you experience passion and pleasure without the barrier of finances holding you back,

and so I have intentionally kept the price of this program shockingly low,

but only for those who join FIRST.

This means, if you join now, you won’t be charged $297.

Not even $197, which would still be a steal

Not even $97…

For just $17 for your first month, you’ll unlock the

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program

and then pay just $69 monthly after that

Even better?

You get to keep this early bird rate forever, no matter how the price changes in the future. 

All that’s required to lock in this extraordinary offer is to click the button below

Locked in Monthly Price for as long as you keep the membership, no matter how the price changes

$69 is less than the cost of a date night for pleasure, connection and erotic play for life!

Still on the fence?


Free Coaching Calls

with Amy

  • I want to reward those who are dedicated to their intimacy transformation journey

  • When you complete 5 lessons and activities, you get a complimentary minute 1:1 coaching call with Amy.

Exclusive Offers on

Intimacy Products

  • Access special offers on carefully selected intimacy products that complement the themes and topics covered in the coaching program.

  • Enjoy exclusive discounts and promotions available only to participants of our intimacy coaching program.

I look forward to fostering the growth and progress in your

intimacy journey in a supportive, confidential environment

Locked in Monthly Price for as long as you keep the membership, no matter how the price changes

Let's break down the incredible value you're getting today...

With your exclusive pre-launch discount, you'll access live coaching, activities, lessons, videos, and gifts for just $69/month.

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥is easily worth $197/month by itself

(and truly, it's value is much higher)...

That's already an amazing offer...

But that's not all, you'll also receive:

Personalized Coaching with me

(valued at $397)

Exclusive Offers on Intimacy Products

(valued at $197)

Rewarding Engagement and Gifts

(valued at $97)

These bonuses are valued at $688 on their own and they are all FREE in:

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥

PLUS, just for joining as a beta tester, pre-launch you'll receive this entire package for $17 when you reserve your spot now!

Imagine you’re at the checkout, and your total for a transformative
experience is $985…

But then, you apply your “inner circle” discount, and suddenly, it’s under $70…

It’s like hitting the jackpot…

Or like you’ve found a secret treasure…

But it’s real, and it’s yours

to grab before it slips away…

All that stands between you and this life-changing offer is the click of a button…

So go ahead, click the button below now…

And secure your spot by entering your payment information via credit card, debit card, or PayPal on the following page.

Locked in Monthly Price for as long as you keep the membership, no matter how the price changes

Once you enroll, you’ll receive your login access immediately…

So you can dive into the ❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program on any device, at any location, whenever you choose…

Simply click the button right now and you can explore the program.

Discover the insights into deepening intimacy and reigniting desire to make your relationship flourish (and keep it thriving) for as long as you wish…

Apply these expert strategies…

Feel the thrill of being truly connected and desired…

To have your partner seek you out…

To have them cherish and adore you…

Feeling their embrace tighten

Engaging and communicating with you in a way that sends

waves of happiness through every part of your being.

Experience the power of taking charge in your relationship…

To finally be the one in control of your emotional fulfillment…

Feel a surge of genuine, empowering confidence that radiates from within…

You’re going to be astonished at the transformation in your life (and within yourself)

once you apply this knowledge…

Locked in Monthly Price for as long as you keep the membership, no matter how the price changes

The time for change is now…

You might not fully realize it, but you’re standing at a

significant crossroads in your life at this moment…

And there are two very different paths ahead of you…

Leading to two very different futures…

One, a future rich with romance, passion, deep connection, and joy…

Where you rediscover the warmth of a committed relationship with a partner who truly understands and cherishes you, reigniting the flame that once seemed lost…

The other path…

Well, it’s simply an extension of the life you’ve been leading.

Here are your two options to help you make the best choice for your happiness…


is to close this page without signing up for the

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program

Push aside the insights you’ve stumbled upon here…

Return to your life where desire has dimmed…

Settle for a relationship that no longer sparks joy…

Or perhaps you’re moving from one relationship to another,

hoping against hope for a spark that endures…

Or maybe you’ve resigned yourself to solitude,

convinced that the passion you once yearned for is now out of reach…

But deep down, you know that’s not what you want…

You’re tired of the emptiness…

Tired of pretending that the lack of intimacy doesn’t affect you…

You are longing for a connection that’s both real and passionate, with a partner who sees the true you and desires nothing more than to grow closer and closer…

The ❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program is designed to offer strategies and insights that can help you overcome the barriers to intimacy and pleasure, whether they’re physical or emotional. It’s about finding joy and connection again, at any stage in life.

I encourage you to consider embracing...


This choice seems more comfortable

because it only requires you to decide that you value yourself enough to say "Yes" to change...

Simply click the button below, right now, before life's interruptions get in the way, again – and claim your place in the ❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program.

Gain access to all the wisdom I've shared (along with some wonderful surprises that I haven’t mentioned yet, which I'm excited for you to discover)...

Learn the secrets to rekindle your partner’s pursuit of you, to sustain it indefinitely...

To motivate your lover to conquer any challenge just to bring a smile to your face...

To eagerly desire to be your partner because of the profound joy you bring into their lives...

Join today and you'll pay only $17 to reserve your spot during the beta phase and always keep this $69/month price as long as you remain a member. 

So, even if the price increases for new members, you’ll continue paying the lower rate.

I’ve created the

❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program

for you...

The door to understanding deeper intimacy has been opened...

A guide for cultivating connection has been created...

A set of lessons, activities, gifts, coaching and techniques

that will empower you with the ability to finally experience

the love and intimacy you've been longing for,

despite the challenges of

desire, pleasure, and emotional connection.

with the promise of this rate being yours to keep..

All it takes is a step through that threshold…

I hope you realize that I designed the ❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program with such care that success is almost a certainty…

However, there is one way to ensure failure…

When you let skepticism and past disappointments overshadow the love and connection you yearn for (and so richly deserve)…

I’ve done all I can to create this opportunity for you, but only you can take that final step towards a more fulfilling and deeply connected life…

To guide your long-term partner or a new acquaintance to rediscover the spark with you, so much so that the mere thought of another becomes inconceivable…

Just click the button below…

Allow yourself to accept the guidance you need to finally experience the passion and love you’ve missed for so long…

I assure you, you’ll be glad you did.

Because I am grateful I did…

I’m grateful I discovered these insights, applied them, and left behind the rollercoaster of dissatisfaction for good…

Sometimes, I’m gripped by a chilling dream… A dream where I ignored the chance to learn and grow…

Where my relationship became just another memory…

When that dream wakes me, I’m filled with dread that I’ve returned to that lonely place…

But then I see my husband beside me…

The one I’ve reconnected with using the strategies from this program, unlocking play, exploration, passion, devotion and love.

And I smile, draw close, feel the comforting beat of his heart as he embraces me…

And I drift back to sleep, feeling more content and at peace than ever before…

I want you to know that joy too…

And you can…

But only if you act now by clicking the button below and joining the program before it’s too late…

with the promise of this rate being yours to keep..

My name is Amy Rowan, and I’m eager for you to join me in experiencing the remarkable transformation that awaits when you embark in the
❤️‍🔥Intimacy IGNITE ❤️‍🔥Program

I look forward to celebrating your newfound happiness.

© 2024 Amy Rowan LLC- All Rights Reserved